Sort Your Story as a Companion Genealogy Product

Have you thought about all the genealogical materials you have at home? How are they organized? Do you have paper records? Digital records? Books? Are they organized in a way that would allow future researchers to easily use the information?

Sort Your Story can be used in addition to genealogy database programs to organize your materials for individuals in one place. This gives you a quick “at a glance” idea of what information you have and what still needs to be located.

People wonder if they can they begin using Sort Your Story if necessary with ease of use. Yes. If your information is in Sort Your Story and someone else opened the profiler, they would be able to quickly get started with your research.

Here are some questions to ask about your current organizational system.

1 Will your family and your descendents take your years of research and keep them safe?

2 Can your children (your descendents) pickup where you left off using your family tree software?

3 Are your research records such as census, military and death records all organized and digitized?

4 What about those documents found or given to you from family, are they organized and digitized?

5 And your personal records and photos are they organized, scanned in and digitized?

If you cannot answer positively to those questions, consider using Sort Your Story to help organize your information and make it more accessible to future generations.

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